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Epiphanii II Hair and Body Care LLC, started in 2019 in Miami FL by Gladys Wills-Major.

The reason for creating Epiphanii, was the need to provide products for all hair textures and skin types. Having 4 children (3 girls and 1 son) I was always advising and researching the best products to use for their hair issues. What I found was many products had alcohol, sulfates and many chemicals which would cause dry skin or hair breakage. That is when I saw a need to make products that were gentle and natural for healthier results. I started making products in 2000’s for friends and family members but did not take it to the next level until 2019. I worked with different hair textures from fine to coarse and relax to natural hair types, there is no one size fit all, and consumers deserve products that will fit their hair and skin needs.

Founder and CEO Gladys Wills Major Headshot 2022.jpg

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